Submission Related Questions
What do I do if I accidently submitted a pre-proposal with errors or I forgot to include a portion of the pre-proposal when I submitted?
Once submitted, the pre-proposals cannot be viewed or edited by the principal investigator. The original submission would need to be deleted by NDC staff and a new pre-proposal submitted to NDC by the principal investigator. Accordingly, the principal investigator should contact NDC (either or immediately if a submitted pre-proposal requires editing/revising (e.g., due to omissions).
Can I resubmit a pre-proposal that was submitted last year?
Pre-proposals can be resubmitted as long as the submission meets the topics described in the current request for pre-proposals.
Will my pre-proposal be shared with individuals outside of NDC?
All information that is not otherwise available to the public will be held in confidence while submitted pre-proposals are under consideration by NDC. Additionally, the information contained in the pre-proposals will be made available only to appropriate NDC staff and external scientific advisory committees.
How long does NDC retain pre-proposals?
Pre-proposals submitted to NDC are retained for 3 years.

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